Male Birth Control Pill

  • Mar 25th 2018
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A new birth control pill for men appears to be safe when used daily for a month, with hormone responses consistent with effective contraception, study researchers say. Their study results, in 83 men, will be presented Sunday at ENDO 2018, the Endocrine Society's 100th annual meeting in Chicago, Ill. Like the pill for women, the…

Carbs, fat, DNA? Weight loss is finicky, new study shows

  • Mar 6th 2018
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A study testing the efficacy of a precision nutrition approach, which categorized diets as low fat or low carb based on participants' DNA profiles, revealed intriguing results. The study involved 600 overweight individuals from Stanford University who underwent genetic and insulin testing before being assigned to either a low-fat or low-carb diet. Researchers analyzed genetic…

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